Remember the classic funny car
1976 BLUE MAX????
Well, it's
coming back
on the asphalt...

The Restoration of the Original 1976 BLUE
MAX (tm) Funny Car
What The BLUE MAX team is all about…
“Unlike the multi-million dollar race operations,
The BLUE MAX™ Funny Car Team is a grass-roots styled operation,”
says Team Manager, Dieter
Sturm. "Hundreds of hours by a dedicated
group of pro builders put their soul, sweat, and money into this project
to bring this classic FC back to the track."
The driver / owner Mike Boisvert and crew members are well known throughout
the Midwest tracks
for being professional, responsible, and friendly!
“Fun, interaction with the people, and professional racing
is what this team is about”, stresses Boisvert.
The new
website is being constructed
with restoration photos, bios, appearance/race schedules
and much more. LOOK FOR IT SOON!

BLUE MAX is a registered trademark owned by
Michael Boisvert 2005, 2006
BLUE MAX photography on this website by Dieter Sturm, Copyright 2006